Organization Of The Day: Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Program

With only about 500 adults left, the Ethiopian Wolf is the rarest candid species in the world and is dangerously close to extinction. While habitat loss and fragmentation are the biggest contributors to their decline, Ethiopian Wolves are also greatly Continue Reading

How Poachers Became Caretakers…..

People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou It is no secret the poaches know animals best. Here is a fantastic TED lecture Continue Reading

The Killer instinct : The realities and the true essence of life………

Life is a very simple game…. Its exist or seize to exist… The struggle for life and survival is eternal  for every species on our planet. As humans we have perfected the art of survival and existence  into a “civilized Continue Reading

Rangers Burn Tiger Cub and Hack Feet Off For Tantric Ritual

An incident that caused a great deal of uproar in the Indian conservation community. This shocking incident of the burning of a mutilated tiger cub’s carcass occurred  in Pench tiger reserve. Four tiger pads have been recovered and three forest Continue Reading

Organization of The Day: Gorilla Doctors

Today only 720 Mountain Gorillas populate the earth, and in only two parks (Uganda/Rwanda, and Democratic Republic of Congo). Dr. Dian Fossey founded what was originally called the Volcano Veterinarian Center in 1986. After studying Gorilla’s behavior and interaction with Continue Reading