Wildlife Warriors: Reclaiming the Wild……11,400 acres for wildlife secured bordering Tsavo National Park in Kenya, East Africa giving hope to 700 elephants and the local community

It is our pleasure introducing a new project called Wildlife Warriors: Reclaiming the Wild. For the first time ever Bush Warriors will take you on a journey and show you  first hand how a land that has been ravaged by poaching and deemed not useful by commercial standards can be transformed in to a true  safe haven for both wildlife and the local communities it co-exist with and prosper economically.

This the first of its kind true and real time documentation done through social media on how transformation can occur when all the right parties come together create a better future for both humans and wildlife……Enjoy and SHARE SHARE SHARE…..



Bush Warriors

Photo credit Nana Grosse Woodley

 Tsavo National Park in Kenya, East Africa, was established in 1948 covering an area of 21,800 square km, making it the largest park in Kenya. The park was divided into East and West for administrative purposes and is split by the Nairobi – Mombasa railway/highway. Today the total Tsavo Conservation Area comprises a region of 64,000 sq km.

Mbulia Ranch, together with other community ranches, is situated directly on the boundary of Tsavo West. Traditionally, the Mbulia land was used for livestock grazing, but due to low annual rainfall (average of 400 mm per year) could not support herds of livestock large enough for commercial sustainability. Small scale farming was also not successful due to lack of water and high human/wildlife conflict in the area and therefore the Mbulia community are presently not benefiting from their land at all.

Photo credit Nana Grosse Woodley

However, Mbulia is a vital dispersal area for about 700 elephants particularly during dry seasons.

Tsavo Reds Elephants – Photo Credit Shazaad Kasmani

After four long years of negotiations New African Territories now has a signed lease agreement with the Mbulia Group Ranch for 35 years to create a conservancy and an eco lodge on 11,400 acres of their land.
For the first time the Mbulia community will benefit from wildlife  greatly through this cooperation in terms of employment and training, the annual lease payment, a percentage of revenue earned, as well as through community projects.

Photo credit Nana Grosse Woodley

The most important aspect of this project is that  there is more space for wildlife has been created! Since Mbulia borders Tsavo West National Park directly, this venture  will assists the park’s animal species greatly, also in terms of creating a protected buffer making illegal access to the park harder for poachers.

Further the crucial dry season dispersal area for 700 elephants is secured and the project has Kenya Wildlife Service’s full support.

Ancient Elephant rubbing rock – Photo credit Nana Grosse Woodley

Nana Grosse-Woodley is the Conservancy Manager, responsible for developing and managing the conservancy for the Mbulia Group Ranch members. Nana has lived the past 14 years in different areas of Tsavo National Park and gained hands on insight and experience of wildlife conservation and management. She has hand-reared and rehabilitated several orphaned wild cats species, including leopard, and other wildlife species. Being a photographer by trade, she has published the Tsavo Trilogy book and numerous articles on wildlife conservation.

Tamsin Corcoran, Director New African Territories, is in charge of the entire project. Tamsin has spent the last 25 years working in lodges and tourism all over Kenya. She incorporates the local community  to improve local lifestyles and get financial backing for schools, teachers, student scholarships and community projects, such as tree nurseries, beading and basket weaving groups and conservation projects in some of the areas she has worked in.
