Tattoo of the Day


Tattoo by Stephanie Tamez.


Here is some important information from The Defenders of Wildlife about the wild-caught bird trade and illegal bird smuggling between the US and Mexico:

  • An estimated 65,000 to 78,500 parrots are captured each year in Mexico despite the fact that no parrot trapping has been authorized by wildlife official since 2003.  At the time of publication of this report (2007), Mexico again authorized limited trapping of certain parrot species.
  • Of the top 10 parrot species that are being smuggled into the United States, five are endangered, two are threatened and one is under special protection in Mexico.
  • According to parrot trappers, U.S. demand for some species is the main reason they are still being trapped in Mexico, like the endangered yellow naped parrot.
  • Approximately 75 percent of captured parrots die before reaching the consumer, which translates to roughly 50,000 to 60,500 annually.
  • Roughly 4 percent to 14 percent of the annual illegal capture is smuggled into the United States.
  • Of the smuggled birds that do survive, many of them are sick, injured, dying or severely traumatized.  None of these birds have proper legal documentation and are sold without the required health examination and quarantine to identify potential disease risks.
  • Smuggling of the orange fronted parakeet, white fronted parrot, yellow cheeked parrot, lilac crowned parrot and red crowned parrot is increasing despite the overall decrease in parrots smuggled into the United States.


Remember: Tattoos are forever… and so is extinction.  To see all of the FANTASTIC art featured on Bush Warriors Tattoo of the Day, and to learn more about this initiative, please click here.  You can also share photos of your own wildlife tattoos and enjoy others’ at our Facebook group, Bush Warriors Inked Nation for Conservation.

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