Organization of The Day: Elephant Pepper Trust

When human-wildlife conflict results in the deaths of wildlife, the outcome can be far-reaching for those populations. Such situations are further amplified when they lead to human deaths as well. Human-wildlife conflict can be caused by a number of factors, Continue Reading

Organization of The Day: WildlifeNOW

WildlifeNOW George Adamson was a legendary figure in the world of wildlife. He devoted his life to his many lions that he was able to reintroduce into the wild, becoming the infamous ‘lion man.’ In 1989, George Adamson’s life ended Continue Reading

Organization of The Day: Lewa Conservancy

  Lewa Wildlife Conservancy During the 1970s population of black rhinos had dropped from 20,000 to fewer than 300, putting these animals in danger of becoming extinct. Since then, thanks to the Lewa Conservancy, over 40,000 acres has been dedicated Continue Reading

Organization of The Day: The Mara Conservancy

Mara Conservancy Management of the Mara Triangle was falling apart, until 2001, when Mara Conservancy stepped in and took control over the triangle. Their programs include anti-poaching and de-snaring patrols, as well as a mobile veterinary unit that is always Continue Reading

Family of 10 slaughtered on the Zimbabwe Mozambique border…

Poachers shot and killed 10 elephants at one spot in Gonarezhou National Park in Chikombedzi along Zimbabwe’s border with Mozambique and South Africa last week. The elephant carcasses without tusks were found lying along Mutandanjiva River near the road to Continue Reading