Organization of the Day: Gorilla Doctors

Today only 720 Mountain Gorillas populate the earth, and in only two parks (Uganda/Rwanda, and Democratic Republic of Congo). Dr. Dian Fossey founded what was originally called the Volcano Veterinarian Center in 1986. After studying Gorilla’s behavior and interaction with Continue Reading

Organization of the Day: Living With Elephants

When living in “elephant country”, life can have a range of emotions from frustration to fear to awe. Humans and elephants do not always live together amicably. Elephants can cause a lot of property damage, crop or agricultural damage, and Continue Reading

Organization of the Day: J.A.C.K.

In 1960 the estimated population of chimpanzees was estimated at around one million individuals. Today the estimates have been dramatically reduced to 172,000 to 300,000 remaining, a decline of on the scale of 70-83%. Roughly 40% of this population is Continue Reading

Organization of the Day: Ol Pejeta Conservancy

John and Jane Kenyon took over the management of Ol Pejeta in 1949 when it was owned by Lord Delamere and together they spent the next 15 years developing the ranch. When John first took on Ol Pejeta he was Continue Reading

Organization of the Day: Lilongwe Wildlife Centre

While many African nations suffer the impacts of social, political, and economical instabilities, people become desperate for food and money. These calamities are fueling an unjust war against Africa’s periled wildlife through an increase in bushmeat poaching and illegal pet Continue Reading