Organization of The Day

Bush Warriors’ Organization of the Day feature is focused on bringing awareness to small, grassroots organizations around the globe that are making major contributions to wildlife conservation.  These are the people who are on the ground, fighting the battle to save our planet’s precious biodiversity.  Unfortunately, many are often overlooked and underfunded.  Bush Warriors wishes to use this initiative to highlight their courageous efforts and cheer them on, while inviting others to join us in supporting these wildlife heroes.  Below is a list of all organizations that have been featured as the Organization of the Day.  You can click on each of their names to learn about the outstanding work they are doing.  Stay tuned as we bring you more each day!

African Wild Dog Conservation


Bear Research and Conservation Nepal

Bongo Surveillance Project

Bonobo Conservation Initiative

Botswana Predator Conservation Trust

Cape Leopard Trust

Centre for Animal Rehabilitation and Education (CARE)

Chipembele Wildlife Education Trust

The Colobus Trust

Conservation Lower Zambezi

David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust

Dete Animal Rescue Trust

Elephant Pepper Development Trust

Elephant-Human Relations Aid

Elephants Without Borders

Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme

Ewaso Lions

FreeMe Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre

Gabon Sea Turtle Partnership

Gorilla Doctors

Goualougo Triangle Ape Project

Grevy’s Zebra Trust


Leopard Ecology & Conservation

Lewa Conservancy

Lilongwe Wildlife Centre

Limbe Wildlife Centre

Living With Elephants

Living With Lions

Mara Conservancy

Milgis Trust

Ol Pejeta Conservancy

Painted Dog Conservation


Proyecto Titi

Rhino Fund Uganda

SanWild Wildlife Trust and Sanctuary

Save The Elephants

Save the Rhino Trust

Sebakwe Black Rhino Trust

Selous Rhino Trust

Shark Aid International

Shark Angels

Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB)

Victoria Falls Anti-Poaching Unit

Watamu Turtle Watch

Wildlife Action Group- Malawi



5 Replies to “Organization of The Day”

  1. Anne Maher

    The destruction of the Elephants for their Ivory, + the Rhino and the Bushmeat trade needs to be fought vigorously. Once Africa’s wildlife are depleted – there will be no tourism – that’s the major income revenue to support their people. The lose of these species is utterly objectionable and quite out of the question. Every body rally to prevent this. Cities in 2013 will be crucial again to save them all. Lets be very well prepared and back all those who will need our help

  2. Anne Maher

    The destruction of the African Elephant and Rhino for their Ivory and Horn – along with the bushmeat trade needs to be vigorously fought. Once the wildlife is depleted there will be no tourism. That’s the revenue they need to support their people. The lose of these species is objectionable and quite out of the question. Rally all the support necessary and back those fighting this destruction. The Cities convention in 2013 will be crucial and we need to be well prepared – because the other side will be. We need all the info. necessary to fight this poaching and possible destruction. Save these internationally important species from the corruption and slaughter they have been suffering for trinkets and chopsticks etc.

  3. Carter and Olivia Ries

    My name is Carter and I am 9-years old. My sister Olivia (age 7.5) and I started our own nonprofit organization called One More Generation (OMG) because we are so passionate about helping endangered species. Our mission statement is as follows: We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of ALL endangered species. Our goal is to help all endangered species survive at least One More Generation… and beyond.

    We recently came upon your website and wanted to know how we can get involved. We are currently working on several initiatives such as raising $50,000.00 in support of the Ann Van Dyk Cheetah Center in South Africa (where we have been adopting Cheetah’s for years now), we currently have a Supply Collection Program in full swing where we are collecting badly needed supplies to help with the Animal Rescue Efforts in the Gulf Region to help all the oil soaked animals due to the oil spill. We are also working with our local Zoo on an initiative to try and get Legislative Language changes to the current DNR (Department of Natural Resources) law which prevents protection of venomous animals.

    You can find out more about our organization by visiting our website at (make sure you also watch the video we prepared about OMG as well 😉

    We are sincerely interested in learning how we can possibly help with your organization as well. Please let us know if you see any opportunities for us to help out.

    Thanks in advance for your attention.

    Best Regards from the entire OMG Team


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