Bush Warriors: Reclaming the Wild…..Nana and her team find little treasures from Mother Nature

By Nana Grosse-Woodley

We did more walking and exploring of the immediate area surrounding the camp, also to find appropriate locations for security observation points and foot patrol trails. The more we walk around Mbulia, the more little treasures from nature we find.

There is the old rubbing rock which is still regularly used by elephants walking through the area to scratch their backs and bottoms.

We find a rock cave evidently used by a leopard as it still harbors an antelope skeleton.

Further up along the top ridge of Mbulia Hill is a natural smiley across the climbing path made up from an old tree root growing over a large rock with two stones to either side of it.

We come across a rock along the edge of Kangemi Hill – the next-door hill to Mbulia – which looks like someone has chiseled a good part out of it to create a comfortable sitting area, appearing to be a natural sofa.

We see a balancing rock precariously resting on the edge of Kangemi Hill, seemingly ready to roll down into the valley with the slightest gust of air.

A fig tree has grown its trunk horizontally along a rock phase, now making a perfect place to sit and rest, which Pius, Mbulia Group Ranch member, and my daughter Chloe promptly take advantage of.

We find a tree that has totally burnt out, leaving only the bark as a shell and making an astounding natural sculpture.

Little ancient desert roses decorate the dry area with their very pink blossoms and lush green leaves. All this is apart from the breathtaking views that we are spoilt with into all directions we look.

So many secrets and treasures yet to find and unveil, and so much to do and achieve to secure it all.  We do need financial support though to accomplish this goal!




One Reply to “Bush Warriors: Reclaming the Wild…..Nana and her team find little treasures from Mother Nature”

  1. Mara

    Thank you for sharing these wonders of nature. Please share more as you continue on your journey.

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