IUCN Species of the Day: Russian Desman

  Photo credit: Igor Shpilenok   The Russian Desman, Desmana moschata, is listed as ‘VULNERABLE’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM. This small insectivore belongs to the same family as moles, but is adapted to a more aquatic Continue Reading

IUCN Species of the Day: Northern Sportive Lemur

  Photo credit Pvael Hošek   The Northern Sportive Lemur, Lepilemur septentrionalis, is listed as ‘CRITICALLY ENDANGERED’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM. This small, arboreal primate is restricted to the very northernmost parts of Madagascar, and has Continue Reading

IUCN Species of the Day: Blue-Throated Macaw

     Photo credit: Joseph Tobias   The Blue-throated Macaw, Ara glaucogularis, qualifies as ‘CRITICALLY ENDANGERED’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™. It is found in a small area of north-central Bolivia known as Los Llanos de Moxos, Continue Reading