Gorilla News: Update from Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge, Rwanda

The sightings have been incredible and the guests come back with amazing stories of their close encounters. On a track yesterday one of the guests received a very gentle nudge from a Black Back asking him to pls step aside as he wanted to pass. The guest chose to ignore the request so the Gorilla gently picked him up by the shoulders and put him down next to the footpath and calmly continued passed the other guests. Very good news, Susa family also had a new offspring 4 days ago. Kwitonda’s little one now 3 months old and Sabyinyo’s one and a half month old are both doing very well. The Hirwa twins celebrated their 1st birthday on the 3rd of February. Susa twins now almost 8 months old. Both sets of twins very healthy and doing well.


2 Replies to “Gorilla News: Update from Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge, Rwanda”

  1. Melanie Cameron

    So nice and heartwarming to hear good news for a change about African Wildlife its great that all the young ones are doing great. Thankyou for helping to protect them and bring us such good news. Thanks

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