IUCN Species of the Day: Delacour’s Langur


The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species(tm)

Photo credit: Terry Whittaker


Delacour’s Langur, Trachypithecus delacouri, is listed as ‘CRITICALLY ENDANGERED’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM. Found only in north-central Vietnam, Delacour’s Langur is one of the rarest and most threatened primates on Earth.

 With a population estimated to be less than 250 mature individuals, fragmented into numerous subpopulations, most of which are unviable in the long-term, this species is dangerously close to extinction. The level of hunting has reduced in recent years as a result of increased legal protection, but continues to pose a significant threat, whilst ongoing habitat loss is contributing to the further isolation of the remaining populations.

Recent commitments by the Vietnamese government and several international conservation organisations to do more to protect Delacour’s Langur have greatly improved the chances of saving this rare and remarkable species. The main priority is to increase


Geographic Range of the Delacour’s LangurCredit: IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™


To learn more about Delacour’s Langurs, click here.  Or visit the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species by clicking their logo below.



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2 Replies to “IUCN Species of the Day: Delacour’s Langur”

  1. betty murphy

    unless I missed…I didn’t see what these creatures were hunted for..I assume meat or pelts……

    • Sarah Pappin

      Hi Betty! According to IUCN they are hunted for traditional medicine purposes, but I am absolutely certain they are ALSO hunted for meat. Especially since we just saw that some langurs (likely of different species than the Delacour’s) were confiscated from restaurants in Da Lat City, Vietnam… as per our story earlier this week. Sad case.

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