Poachers kill 65 elephants, 30 rhinos in Zimbabwe

Due to recent shift on the African political landscape,  International crime syndicates take advantage of the situation and are threatening the survival of rare African wildlife species. A recent press release by AFP confirms this report.

Some images from gruesome aftermath:


8 Replies to “Poachers kill 65 elephants, 30 rhinos in Zimbabwe”

  1. Iray

    what’s the action plan to prevent this in a continent where human life amounts to nothing, let alone animal life?

    • dorigurwitz

      Its up to us in the western world to push our governments and media to address this issue and bring it into to the light. This is a global concern. If nothing gets done we will loose these animals for good. We intend to create awareness. This is the first step. Soon we will share with you some initiatives that we are working on. In the meantime pls share this with anyone you know and ask the to sign to our email alerts.

  2. Alyssa

    ohh my Im just doing a speech on this I didn’t know that it was this Bad thanks for the help1

  3. Kylie

    Thank you so much for sharing this to the world! I’d love to see this around more, on the television, or around some how. I am a 7th grader and I have been researching on poaching for a while and this really moved me. These pictures are very scary to think about. (Sorry for the misspelled words!!) Thank you very much!!

  4. Dan

    This is sick, really sick these pictures need maximum exposure but blaming western governments is not the path to take. Maybe let western workers have more freedom to work in these regions and use western money to help stop or at least police this kind of thing. Lastly reserves are cleary important now more than ever. Protect what is left and help rebuild the numbers again.

  5. Mark

    This shows how disgraceful humans actually are. Who the hell do we think we are? We should be ashamed. We are cruel, selfish and utterly shameful, I hope the bastards that are responsible for this die a really horrible, slow, painful death. Just like these poor beautiful animals.
    I honestly can’t wish anything except extreme pain and suffering on the people responsible.

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