Tattoo of the Day


Tattoo by Phil Garcia.

Remember: Tattoos are forever… and so is extinction.  To see all of the FANTASTIC art featured on Bush Warriors Tattoo of the Day, and to learn more about this initiative, please click here.  You can also share photos of your own wildlife tattoos and enjoy others’ at our Facebook group, Bush Warriors Inked Nation for Conservation.

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5 Replies to “Tattoo of the Day”


    Jag kan inte läsa på engelska,jag har försökt översätta men lyckas inte.Du behöver inte flera ggr skicka hit.Bara en gång i veckan räcker för mig

  2. betty murphy

    before I scrolled allll they way, I said to myself..”Self, please don’t tell me it is endangered”…..wellll, guess what? I should have known better than to even be slightly surprised! Is nothing sacred??? NOOOO…of course not! Beautiful TATOO, tho!!!

  3. Maggie Barrett

    I plan to get my next tattoo of a tiger this year. I have an asian elephant so far on my shoulder that I got this year. I’m 62 and want to see who will be extinct first, them or me!

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