Bushmeat in Eastern Africa

The actions of many people across eastern Africa are having an enormous impact on wildlife populations. Recent studies have officially determined that across Southern Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya there is a widespread, growing, illegal trade in wildlife for meat and money. This over-hunting is causing a reduction in numbers and diversity of wildlife.

In Kenya bushmeat hunting snare hunting is widespread with thousands of snares being recovered each year from protected areas and game ranches. Wildlife policy is under review and going by the current debate, there is no sign that bushmeat management will be given the attention it deserves.

In Southern Sudan bushmeat hunting with rifles is widespread in and around protected areas where many citizens rely on bushmeat as a source of protein and income. Lack of capacity to manage over-hunting has resulted in decline of many wildlife species including elephant, buffalo, zebra and giraffe.

In Tanzania trophy and subsistence hunting is legally allowed in wildlife areas outside the National Parks and Ngorongoro Conservation Area. This type of consumptive wildlife utilization is controlled through quota and permit system, however, with limited capacity to manage illegal hunting.

In Uganda studies have shown declines in wildlife populations including hippopotamus, buffalo and elephant in protected areas due to hunting.


3 Replies to “Bushmeat in Eastern Africa”

  1. Mwandha

    The population of most large mammal species in protected areas have actually been on the rise in Uganda due the vigilance of Uganda Wildlife Authority, the agency responsible for management of wildlfie in Uganda. The challenge has been management of wildlife outside of protected areas since the area is vast and there are limits in manpower for awareness raising and enforcement.

  2. Brogan Murray

    I hate you guys killing animals are wrong your killing your self’s stop killing your own kind if you don’t ill come to Africa and kill you got me im not lying.

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