BREAKING NEWS: Yahoo Japan! Knowingly Selling Toxic Whale Meat, Refuses to Stop

  For immediate release: Tuesday, March 1, 2011 YAHOO! JAPAN SELLING MERCURY-CONTAMINATED WHALE MEAT Environmentalists call for ban on whale sales by Yahoo! Japan TOKYO, Japan: Environmentalists today called on Yahoo! Japan to ban all sales of whale, dolphin and Continue Reading

Tattoo of the Day

Tattoo by Chen Shiyong from Brave Tattoo in Taiwan.

Video of the Day: Walking on Wildlife in South Australia!


  This “Bush Warriors: Walking on Wildlife” display comes to you from Semaphore, South Australia, courtesy of Jude Price and Kaye Brown… a pair of TRUE Bush Warriors!  They did these beautiful presentations on Australia Day (January 26) to bring the public’s attention to the plight of the world’s elephants and lions.

Watch The amazing Video Here






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Video of the Day: And the Sea Will Turn Red With Blood…
