IUCN Species of the Day: Seychelles Paradise-flycatcher


The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species(tm)
SeychellesFlycatcher credit: Jason Houston

Photo credit: Jason Houston


The Seychelles Paradise-flycatcher Terpsiphone corvina, is listed as ‘CRITICALLY ENDANGERED‘ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™. This elegant flycatcher is endemic to the Seychelles, where it is known in Creole as ‘Veuve’, from the French for ‘widow’, owing to its all black plumage.

The only viable population of the Seychelles Paradise-flycatcher is now restricted to La Digue. Habitat loss, due to tourism and private housing developments, has been the major cause of the precipitous decline in the population, and continues to be the greatest threat to this species. Recently, a disease affecting Takamaka trees, leading to increased woodland clearance, has provided further cause for concern.

Owing to various management measures, including the designation of a small reserve and a public awareness programme, the Seychelles Paradise-flycatcher population has shown a small increase in recent decades. In order to expand this species’ range and thus reduce its vulnerability, translocations to other islands in the archipelago are under way, with 23 birds reintroduced to the now restored Denis in 2008 which bred there the following year.


Geographic Range of the Seychelles Paradise-Flycatcher

Geographical region of  Seychelles Paradise-flycatcher

Credit: IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™


To learn more about the Seychelles Paradise-flycatcher, click here. Or visit the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ by clicking their logo below.

To learn more about the Bush Warriors “Species of the Day” feature, please click here and read up on our initiative to raise awareness about the loss of earth’s biodiversity.


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One Reply to “IUCN Species of the Day: Seychelles Paradise-flycatcher”

  1. betty murphy

    while I catch my breath at the incredible, stunning beauty of this bird, I will write a note………again and again and again…habitat loss…and now we may lose a spectacular bird most of us never knew existed……………..and with a designation of Critical……it appears many many more never will either……..

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