Stories From the Bush……..Introducing Governors Camps Collection

It is with GREAT pleasure that I would like to announce our latest partnership with no other than the iconic award wining  Governors Camp Collection from East Africa. As you know, Bush Warriors is all about bringing you the latest news and images from the front lines of wildlife frontiers. This unique partnership with the Governors Camp Collection both in Kenya and Rwanda will allow us to bring you exclusive news and images directly from the heart of the Masai Mara and from the Rain Forests of Rwanda.

Situated in the heart of the Masai Mara Governors camp has been the base camp of some of the world’s best wildlife film makers and photographers. The Governors family of camps has been part of the Masai Mara for over 30 years and has deep roots in the community.  As part of the Masai Mara community GCC  has built and funded  multiple schools and health clinics  as well as establishing recycling projects and developing alternatives fuels for the use of their camps


Governors’ Camp Collection is now working with the Mara Predator Project to help protect and conserve the local lion prides. Throughout Africa lions face extinction because they attack livestock in areas outside National Park boundaries and are killed in retaliation. The Mara Predator Project is  science based conservation  project working to reduce the cost of predators to livestock and people. They do this by improving livestock practices, studying the behavior and ecology of predators living alongside humans and monitoring their response to conservation actions.







With the help of the Governor’s camp guides and visitors, the Mara Predator Project is monitoring the lions in and around the northern Masai Mara. By building an identification database of lion the project is able to track individuals and therefore identify pride home and population trends allowing the project to apply effective conservation techniques.

As part of our partnership with Governors  we will  update you on some of the projects that take place in the Mara and how you (no matter where you are in the world ) could  take part in them as well, ensuring brighter future to the Mara’s wildlife and the local community it co-exists with.

In addition to the award wining camps in Kenya. The Governors Collection also has a camp in Rwanda.  Silverback Lodge. The only lodge  in the foothills of the mighty Virunga’s.  A chain of 15,000ft volcanoes stretching through Rwanda, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.The lodge is the base camp for the famous  Gorilla tracking. It is also the perfect place to explore a one of Africa’s largest rain forest.


To learn more about the Governors Camp Collection, its locations and local community projects  CLICK HERE…





One Reply to “Stories From the Bush……..Introducing Governors Camps Collection”

  1. Anita Gurwitz

    This brings great memories of the wonderful Safari that we did in Kenya. Words cannot experience the feelings when you r on a Safari and see the BIg Five, lions, Rhinos, Buffalos, elephants, ,hippos in action. We can’t ignor the giraffes, cheetas, zebras and all the other animals playing a part in the “survival game”..This is a life time experience.

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