Tattoo of the Day

Tattoo by Andrew Sussman.

Remember: Tattoos are forever… and so is extinction.  To see all of the FANTASTIC art featured on Bush Warriors Tattoo of the Day, and to learn more about this initiative, please click here.  You can also share photos of your own wildlife tattoos and enjoy others’ at our Facebook group, Bush Warriors Inked Nation for Conservation.

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2 Replies to “Tattoo of the Day”

  1. betty murphy

    Fabulous Tatoo!!!!!! Kudos to the artist…….and yes, our precious eles are disappearing….I wish we had the definitive solution to stop the poaching and sale of ivory…and while we are on the subject of poaching…….our rhinos and their horn are in trouble too…71 in 71 days…not good is it……:-(((((((((

  2. David Leviton

    Do you have intelligence as to who is getting people to kill Elephants, Rhinos and other animals for financial gain for if you do I can get people to have them and their families neutralized

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