The Last Lioness……..Meet Lady Liuwa the only known resident lion surviving on Zambia’s Liuwa Plain

A haunting call echoes across the Liuwa Plain. There is no answer, there hasn’t been for years. She has no pride, no support – she alone must safeguard her own survival. Her name is Lady Liuwa, and she is the Continue Reading

Live from Masai Mara – Elephants, Wildebeest and New Cheetah Cubs…..

 Cool mornings with some overcast days and low cloud. Latterly there has been some pastel sunrises as the day warms up from a cool crisp early start. On the 3rd of June we had 18 mm of rain. The latter Continue Reading

El León, Rey de la Selva en peligro…

En menos de un año, una manada completa de Leones del desierto fue eliminada. Durante el año 2011, cada uno de los miembros de una manada de Leones en Namibia llamada Hoaruseb, pereció en manos de cazadores y envenenamientos. Últimos Continue Reading