Legendary Tusker Tracked in Kruger National Park

One of the oldest tuskers in Kruger National Park (KNP), Duke, has been fitted with a tracking collar in an effort to track his whereabouts should he die.

Reynold Thakhuli, of South African National Parks (SANParks), said Duke was approaching his final few days in the bush and he might die any day and that SANParks, would like to keep his skull in the Elephant Hall Museum of the Letaba Camp of KNP for future generations and research purposes.

Thakhuli said it was estimated that Duke had lived in the KNP bush for more than 55 years. “As a sign of aging he has already lost both his tusks while walking the vast area in KNP and he is also on his last set of teeth which makes it difficult for digestion. Fortunately the tusks were found and will be placed at the museum.”

(Credit: Petits Voyages)

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One Reply to “Legendary Tusker Tracked in Kruger National Park”

  1. Anne Maher

    May your last days be peaceful Duke. Thank you for your presence on our earth. What a wonderful example of allowing these magnificent animals to live amongst us in peace and safety for their natural lifespan. Lets hope his skeleton will not be the only one left to study and place in a museum natural.

    May there be many more long long into the future.

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