Organization of the Day:The Mexican Rehabilitation Centre for Primates (CMRP)

The Mexican Rehabilitation Centre for Primates (CMRP) emerges after the actual troubled situation of endemic endangered primates in Mexico (Alouatta pigra , Alouatta palliata, Ateles geoffroyi).The CMRP was founded in 2007 to promote, share important data and support conservation and rehabilitation of exotic primates in the zone, creating research programs and scientific education.


The CMRP is a non-profit Organization that receives and takes care of illegally trade primates, with the main idea of reintroducing them back to their natural habitat whenever is possible. They also keep the animals in suitable conditions when reintroducing is not possible. They also perform scientific investigation of the environment suitable for the monkeys and promote education. The Organization wants to be a reference to the Mexican society about the need to take care and protect the species and give back a honourable life to the monkeys that were sold in the illegal market.




The team and volunteers

The president of the Organization is Rita Virginia Arenas Rosas, MD Ana María Santillan, the Ing. Carlos Santillán and the Ing. Javier Araujo Mateo, they all specialise in primates and are enthusiastic defenders of the species. There’s also a group of specialists supporting the cause and many professional in specific areas. The Centre has a very big database with volunteers that participate in the different programs.




The CMRP programs are administrated from Mexico City but it operates specifically at the Parque la Flora y La Fauna Silvestre Tropical Pipiapan (PAFFASIT) of the Veracruz University and in the CMRP residence in Catemaco Veracruz.

There are many ways that we can support:

Money Donations

Getting involved in their amazing programs

Donations in kind

Hiring the Services of the Centre



  Juvenile Monkeys soon to be released


Bush Warriors supports this organization and as a Mexican is an honour for me to present the first Mexican Organization of the Day here in Bush Warriors. It is great to know that there are many people in our country fighting every day for endangered species.

Visit their pages and learn about their amazing work and programs.

Web Page




About Brenda Limón

I've been a spirited conservationist since I can remember, inspired by amazing people like Jaques Cousteau and Diane Fossey. As a journalist and photographer, I like to touch people with my images and my writing. I joined Bush Warriors because they are a true Conservation Organization working continuously to create awareness of the critical situation of the environment and its species. It is an honor for me to be part of their team. I am here to create a change.