Bush Warriors Wildlife Photography Workshop A Fresh Start

Hi everybody! With a lot of very exciting developments in the pipeline at both Bush Warriors and Photo-Africa things have been hectically busy but it is good to be back! One of the new, and very exciting, new parts of Continue Reading

Bush Warriors Wildlife Photography Workshop: Leave Some Space

By doing a quick Google search you will find many articles and websites that deal with composition. You will read about the rule of thirds and other guidelines which are all aimed at helping you take better pictures.  In the Continue Reading

Wildlife Photography Workshop: Eye Contact

Welcome to the first edition of  Bush Warriors Wildlife Photography Workshop. Apart from sharing images which will, hopefully, create an awareness of Africa’s natural heritage, this weekly post will also give you short tips, tricks and some inspiration that you Continue Reading

What is the Bushmeat Trade?

The bushmeat trade is the illegal, over-hunting of wildlife for meat and income. Already in West and Central Africa this trade has resulted in declines and local extinctions of many wildlife species and the economic, cultural and ecosystem services they Continue Reading

Poachers kill 65 elephants, 30 rhinos in Zimbabwe

Due to recent shift on the African political landscape,  International crime syndicates take advantage of the situation and are threatening the survival of rare African wildlife species. A recent press release by AFP confirms this report. Some images from gruesome Continue Reading