Rhino Translocation by GRAA

Two years ago the Game Rangers’ Association of Africa (GRAA) embarked on a rhino translocation conservation project which looked to address rhino management through range expansion, genetic improvement and rhino security in an alternative and proactive manner. This was to Continue Reading

Organization of the day: Shark Aid International

Around 73 million sharks are murdered every year mostly for their fins. This is approximately 6 millions every month, 1.5 millions a week, 217,000 a day, 9,000 an hour, 150 per minute. The fin trafficking involves taking the fin in Continue Reading


Según La Unión Internacional Para la Conservación por la Naturaleza (IUCN), El Rinoceronte Negro Occidental está declarado oficialmente extinto. “ Debido a la caza indiscriminada, la falta de apoyo por la conservación por parte de las autoridades de Camerún en Continue Reading

The Worlds First Ever Rhino Photo Contest….

Welcome to the worlds first ever Rhino Photo contest. To participate and share your images,  please join Bush Warriors Photo of the Day Contest group on Facebook, which you can access by clicking here (http://www.facebook.com/groups/bushwarriorsphotooftheday/) Our first photo of the week is Continue Reading


Over the last 5 years rhino poaching has dramatically increased from a few to hundreds and if nothing drastic gets done the iconic Rhino will become extinct and disappear forever from the wild. Bush Warriors for the last three years Continue Reading