The Western Black Rhinoceros has officially been declared extinct by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the world’s largest conservation network. “Given the wildlife poaching taking place, lack of political will and conservation effort by Cameroon conservation authorities Continue Reading

Good news for the Loggerhead Sea Turtle!!!

The US federal government has taken a needed step to protect the imperiled loggerhead sea turtle. It has designated a “critical habitat”, including 84 percent of all known nesting areas, and protections for large areas of ocean habitat. Critical habitat Continue Reading

Angola Rhino News

Continuing with our series on matters of rhinos within our neighbouring countries. Angola’s rhino history seems short and not so sweet, what an utterly sorry state of affairs…    Baby Black Rhino.  Photo by Annamarie Esterhuizen 10 white rhinos were Continue Reading

Rhino Translocation by GRAA

Two years ago the Game Rangers’ Association of Africa (GRAA) embarked on a rhino translocation conservation project which looked to address rhino management through range expansion, genetic improvement and rhino security in an alternative and proactive manner. This was to Continue Reading